Our story all began with an idea… Build an online business and travel the world

7+ years and 14 countries later…we’re OG’s in the remote work revolution…

Arrow pointing right

We live and breathe the online space, day in and day out…

This means you get the benefit of our in-depth knowledge and constant learning, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve and maximizes its potential.

The online world changes faster than the speed of light (almost!)

New technology, AI capabilities, and social media trends emerge daily, and it can be overwhelming to keep up. But fear not - That's where we come in.

Talk is cheap, expertise is priceless!

Since 2017, we've been building ours. With over $1 million in digital services and coaching sold, we know what works.

Meet The Bills…

Picture of Jason and Susie Bills owners of VRX

Susie Bills

CEO, Co-founder, OBM Strategist & Consultant

Jason Bills

COO, Co-founder, SEO Strategist & Consultant

More than just business partners, we're soulmates on a mission.

After building several successful brick-and-mortar businesses, a spark for adventure ignited within us. We craved travel, diverse cultures, and the freedom to call different countries home…

Could we find our own path? With grit, laptops, and wifi as our tools, we built a 7-figure business, on our own terms. Today, we're not just living proof this dream is possible, we're here to be your guides.

We believe in living life aligned with your values, whatever that means for you. Financial freedom, location independence, more time with loved ones – it's all within reach. And we're passionate about helping others unlock their potential and build the life they truly desire. Are you ready?

Don't navigate the online business world alone…

Our expertise is your advantage!